Do you set resolutions or goals at the beginnings of new years? I've heard arguments for both sides. Personally, my existence is structured by lists. My car/room/purse are covered in folded scraps of paper with ideas and to-dos. There's something satisfying about writing things down and then physically checking them off. Poof. Done.
From experience, I've also found that it's important to mentally check in with yourself and where you're at. When I'm restless or bored or irritated, it helps to refocus on what goals I'm passionate about. Laziness can be an extreme mood/inspiration killer, and I'm setting a new challenge for myself to battle the hell out of it.
I recently found Sarah's blog about taking creative initiative and being brave enough to make your life and career everything that you want it to be. She literally ran away from her desk job to join the circus and start freelancing design work. Read her blog. Trust me, you'll get an inspirational kick in the bum to get moving in your own space.
Although it's now February, there's still plenty of time to look forward and start setting/accomplishing some goals. If you're not sure where to start, I've created a brainstorm worksheet to get your pen moving and ideas flowing. I want to challenge both you and me to think BIG. Start simple if you want, but then really push your comfort zone and reach for new feats that may seem impossible. The more you work through the pieces of your big goals, the more you'll be able to see how doable they are!
Set dates. Chart out what steps it will take to get there. Figure out what you know right now and what you may still need to learn to achieve your goals.
To get even more ideas flowing, share your goals with someone else and brainstorm together. Tell us some of your goals for the year in a comment below. Who knows, it could help inspire someone else!
xo- E
xo- E
Love the words of wisdom! From a fellow sticky note author....